Weekly-ish Wisdom from Jennifer Kem

The Blog

3 Ways to Create a Brand that is Popular and Profitable

3 Ways to Create a Brand that is Popular and Profitable

Often times when it comes to branding and marketing, people confuse popularity and profitability. I will tell you what I’ve found in my 18+ years in the biz:

They are not the same thing, but you can have them both.

So how do you do this? How do you get your ideal clients to love you? Here are 3 ways you can create a popular and profitable brand.

  1. Start by being in service. Give your Ideal Clients things that are valuable to them. (This includes what’s free as well as what’s for fee.) You build a popular and profitable brand by showcasing that you have high value.

2. Don’t confuse branding with aesthetics. A lot of people think that branding is just aesthetics: graphic design, a website, logo, etc. Because of this, that’s where a lot of people just stop. I gotta tell you the truth, that’s not where the magic is. There’s no return on investment in pure aesthetics. If no one knows about you, it doesn’t matter if your logo’s pretty. (#ouch) The most important component of branding is serving others. A brand that serves is a brand that gets seen, gets heard, and gets paid.

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The Key to a Show-Stopping Brand

The Key to a Show-Stopping Brand

If you joined us for last week’s Paid to Be You workshop, you know that we talked a lot about the 4 keys to a big love, big money brand. One of the main keys (the first key, in fact) is…

Know Thy Brand Archetype.

I’ve had a lot of people say, “Jen, will you explain what a brand archetype is? I’m confused by the word and what I should be looking for.” So I’m dedicating today’s blog post to do just that. When it comes to archetypes, there’s a lot of different definitions. Basically, based off of how I use them in the branding world, your archetype is the personality of your brand.

For example, if you’ve been following me, you know that I am what they call a Ruler archetype. A Ruler archetype is a brand that is seen as an authority figure. They’re your CEOs, they’re lady bosses, they’re people in authority that you look to as an expert in what they’re doing. This is true for my brand, as I’ve been doing marketing for 17+ years. I started out in the advertising agency world. I worked for one of the biggest ad agencies that managed billions of marketing dollars for huge brands, and one of the accounts that I was on was Coca Cola (still the biggest brand in the world to this day). Which again, if you guys have been listening to my livestreams, or following me in the Brand Story Challenge, you know that that Coca Cola brand has been in my life since I was little kid.

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Never Stop Refining Your Brand Story

Never Stop Refining Your Brand Story

My Tribe and I just completed the highly acclaimed Brand Story Challenge, where we shared 10 epic days of diving into the heart of big, little, and aspiring brands everywhere. This is the fourth time I’ve hosted it, and I’m always inspired by the stories people share.

It reinforces one of my principle beliefs, a piece of advice I give my clients on a regular basis:

Never stop refining your brand story.

If you are person who wants to start a business, is in a business, is stuck in your business, or is even killing it in your business right now, don’t stop sharing your brand story. As you keep moving forward, more stories will emerge that can be helpful to your audience.

So whether it’s a personal story or a business story, practicing sharing your experiences strengthens your resolve. It also helps bring powerful breakthroughs in both your business, and personal life.

Instead of focusing on the fear of what people will think, this is where your focus should truly be:

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Stop Keeping Your Gifts Quiet (aka How To Build Your Brand)

Stop Keeping Your Gifts Quiet (aka How To Build Your Brand)

It’s kind of amazing how resistant and resilient humans can be. 

If you’re a Master Brander, a Launch Leader, a Notorious B-I-Z, I just want to acknowledge you big time. Because going that deep with your brand takes courage. You’re sharing your brand story with a bunch of strangers, and to those of you that are really standing on the edge of your courage and posting on your business page, your private page, on Twitter, or anywhere public, let me just tell you, you are doing the things that the greats do right now.

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How to Find Your (True) Why to Build an Authentic Brand

How to Find Your (True) Why to Build an Authentic Brand

When you sign up to be an entrepreneur and a business owner, you are signing up for the gutsiest, hard-earning effort ever. (It’s actually easier to have a job.) Everything I do is about legacy, and I believe that the legacy and the generational wealth you strive to build is the footprint and fingerprint you leave for the generations to come.

It all starts at the core:  Your WHY.

People ask me more times than I can count, “How do I find my why? If I’m tired, or I don’t know how to go deeper, how do I get there?”

Generally speaking, when you think about your why, it honestly goes back to the time before society and life got hard. The dreams you had when you were little.

For me, I grew up in a small sugar plantation town – my front yard was sugar cane, my back yard was sugar cane, my side yard was sugar cane. I lived in a plantation home in a very simple household, but looked and acted very different than the rest of the kids in my neighborhood.

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Where do your peeps live? (find the audience that’s waiting for you)

Where do your peeps live? (find the audience that’s waiting for you)

Another popular question I get is:

“Jen, how can I get more traffic online? I have my website, leadpage, Facebook group, [insert here] set up, but I’m not getting enough traffic.” 

We’ve established in the past couple of blogs that a narrowed down market is key. So now, who do we choose, or how do we find our peeps? 

The answer is easy. Go on Facebook, Linkedin, or Twitter, and find like-minded influencers in your market. See who they’re targeting. Find what categories they’re selling, and the audience they’re addressing. For example, if you’re in the health space and you sell essential oils, who else is selling essential oils successfully? Where are they? Who are they hanging out with? And then go and join them in that conversation. 

It’s harder to create another conversation than it is to jump into one.

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