Weekly-ish Wisdom from Jennifer Kem

The Blog

How the Power of Storytelling Will Help Your Business

Remember all the stories that you read as a child? All the ones that began with ‘once upon a time’ or something similar along those lines?

Remember how they would make you feel?

Remember how scared you felt or how happy you became when something good happened to your favorite characters?

The bottom line is these stories made you feel or react a certain way because you built a connection with a character or two.

But don’t think that stories are just for children.

Even today, people like you and I still appreciate a well-written story. Whether it’s a novel by Stephen King or the Harry Potter series, stories continue to remain in our lives wherever we go, including in business.

It’s called brand storytelling.

At the end of the day, people are selfish. Now, don’t think this is such a terrible thing. Rather, it’s just a part of who we are.

If you don’t believe me, reflect on a few of these things:

-Have you ever gotten frustrated with someone/yourself because things didn’t go the way you wanted it to?
-Have you decided not to post a photo because you didn’t like the way you looked?

If you’ve ever done any of these things, it’s because you’re human. It’s a part of our existence.

Now, here’s how you can use this in running your business: learn to write a story your customers will love.

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4 Types of Live Events and Why You Should be Using Them to Grow Your Business

Have you ever logged onto Facebook and be bombarded with ads on upcoming webinars or people using Facebook Live to promote certain things?

I know I have.

Being a business owner myself, I have my own fair share of ads running across social media, too, and all for a good reason: to reach potential customers.

With the world growing more interconnected thanks to technology, businesses have to take it up a notch if they want to reach more people.

Doing it old-school doesn’t really cut out anymore after all.

It doesn’t matter if you’re running a fast food joint or a beauty parlor, you need to have an active online presence to grow your customer base.

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3 Steps to Improve Your Business

3 Steps to Improve Your Business

Do you know what makes an entrepreneur stand out from a sea of others?

No, it’s not who makes the most money or who has the latest technology (although they’re pretty important, too).

It’s about learning and relearning all over again.

It’s a well-known fact that the majority of businesses who fail to learn are the first to fail. Whether it’s product knowledge or the changing shift in where people like to shop, if you don’t learn about what your customers like or dislike, then your business might be heading towards some stormy seas ahead.

So, while it is important to be ahead in what’s going on nowadays, this doesn’t mean you have to have it all figured out.

No one is born knowing exactly what they have to do right away.

I mean, how many times did you change your answer to the ‘what-do-you-want-to-be-when-you-grow-up’ question?

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Simple Ways You Can Use Videos to Increase Your Brand Presence

Simple Ways You Can Use Videos to Increase Your Brand Presence

Did you know that in today’s society, people prefer videos over text? The reason is simple: it’s much easier to watch someone do something rather than read about it. Using videos provides viewers visual information that isn’t available through reading.

You’re probably thinking “How on earth can I use videos for my business, Jen?”

There are three main ways to go about this, the first one being a webinar. If you’re a business owner or an entrepreneur, you most likely have signed up for one of these already. Webinars are some of the most popular ways to demonstrate your knowledge in a classroom type format.

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How to Lead Customers to Say “Yes” to the Sale

How to Lead Customers to Say “Yes” to the Sale

Grab your pens and notebooks, it’s time to learn more about offers, aka your product you want to sell. It doesn’t really matter what kind of business you’re running- whether it’s the health industry, lipsticks, essential oils, or even if you’re a marriage counselor, your main priority is to enroll your (future) customers in by using what I like to call the Hansel and Gretel effect. In the story, the siblings were attracted to the witch’s cottage that was made of all the sweets they enjoyed. Applying this concept to the business world, you need to provide an irresistible offer that will solve their problems.

How, you ask?

You first need to showcase how you’re the best teacher in whatever they’re struggling with.

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Why Running a Business is Like Going on a Date

Why Running a Business is Like Going on a Date

Last week, I shared with you the differences between an editorial and a ca$h calendar which you can read all about here. Today, we’ll be focusing on the pre-launch.

Before we begin, let me first say this: running a business is like going on a date.

You might be a tad bit confused right now, but you’ll understand shortly.

Practice makes perfect is one of those cliche sayings we often hear. It’s probably because it’s so true- the more we make mistakes, the more we learn. This same rule applies in running a business, too. Good brands and businesses know that testing and trying stuff out is a necessary part of getting engagement and getting sales, and you should be doing the same consistently.

Do you have an awesome product you want to share with the whole world? If so that’s great! But don’t get too excited and just launch right away.

First things first, you must take a step back and plan out the next twelve months of activity as well as prepare for your product’s launch; this should be approximately eight weeks from now in order to gain enough exposure to your desired audience.

If you were with me last time, I talked about three big steps you need to do when you’re getting ready to launch, and this is where Steps 1 through 3 are needed the most.

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