Weekly-ish Wisdom from Jennifer Kem

The Blog

Why You Need to Use Email Marketing to Grow Your Business

In the past couple of weeks, I’ve been sharing with you the definition of your ideal client and five of the best social media platforms to have to connect. Be sure to click here and here before you get started! Wouldn’t want you to miss out on anything. 😉

So, at this point you’ve already started building up your online presence with a spiffy Facebook Page and identified your ideal customer. In the last part of this mini series, we’re going to dive in (but a very brief one) the weird world of email marketing.

Did you know that thousands, to be more specific 2.5 million, of online users have an email? Pretty mind blowing, right? And what better way to get in touch with your customers than that with email?

Collecting email address have been one of the industries’ biggest secret despite it being so widely known. I’ve seen numerous websites thrive and die thanks to their email marketing (or lack of). Thanks to email, it’s given businesses a newer way to say hello.

Don’t believe me?

Take a look at some of your favorite shopping websites like Walmart or Forever 21, and I bet you the one of the first things you’ll see is a place to put your email in. Whether it’s for weekly notifications for their next sales or to receiving a 30% discount on your favorite footwear, email has a way of bringing their content to you.

The great part about this is that there are tons of resources that are both free and paid. Companies like Sumo, who specialize in email marketing, not have only done the hard work for you, but also come with tools that monitor what your clients are doing when they open your email.

But how does this help identify your ideal client?

It’s easy! The ones who engage with your emails the most are the ones you need to keep your eyes on. By clicking your links or even as simple as opening it, this should tell you that they’re very interested in what you have to say, and just like that, you now know who you should be sending your coolest products and services to.

What have you done to figure out who your ideal client it? Leave me a comment down below!

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