Weekly-ish Wisdom from Jennifer Kem

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3 Reasons Why You Need Copywriting in Your Business

3 Reasons Why You Need Copywriting in Your Business

What do the words ‘Once upon a time‘ or ‘there was once was‘ have in common?

They’re what I like to call, words of attraction because of their power to draw the reader (aka you) in. Whether it’s JK Rowling to your favorite writers on Wattpad, they all understand the power of the pen.

After all, they do say the pen is mightier than the sword.

Even when you’re running your own business, you need to be writing words that convert people into customers, not the other way around.

Several years ago, I started out my career in marketing as a junior copywriter for one of the biggest advertising agencies in the world, Coca-Cola being the biggest client. Fast forward to today, the drink still continues to write killer stories that bring back every single time.


Because they understand how words affect people…to the point where they’re spending hundreds of thousands of dollars just to write out an ad that catches your attention.

No matter what kind of business you run, copywriting is still a skill you should develop, and here are three reasons why.

1. The Right Words brings Communities Together

We live in an age where everything is becoming more digital than ever before. We have the option to send receipts to our inboxes and can chat with friends who live miles away. Even in business, we all rely on some form of technology to get in touch with someone else.

For example, I have a really cool Facebook group called the Paid to Be You Posse. With over 10,000 members across the globe, the only way I can reach out to them is using my words.

But don’t think for a second I used any kind of words.

No, I had to use the right words.

How do I know how to find the right words? It’s simple. All you need to do is find out what do your customers want from you and be the answer they’re looking for.

Here’s some ways how:

-create a poll and hand it out to people in your niche
-ask questions and be specific!
-reflect and think about what you would have liked to learn

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2. The Right Words Can Help You Make Money

I’m going to be extremely blunt about this: businesses want to make money.

But in order to do that, they need the right words to communicate. You can find many examples of this on an Influencer’s Instagram caption as well as the Facebook ads that pop up on the side. The key point is that each and every one of these people have used copywriting to spread the word about who they are and why you need to be interested.

Maybe they’re promising a good deal.
Maybe they’re letting you know about the next coolest thing.
Maybe they’re just sharing a relatable quote.

But they’ve captured your attention right?

That’s the power of creating great copy.

3. The Right Words Tells Your Story

Do you know why advertising has been around since the time of the earliest merchants? It’s because of how effective it is.

Nowadays, even your short 140 character bio on Twitter can tell a person if they want to interact with you or not.

The question is: are you using the right words to share your story?

The words that you choose can help potential clients figure out exactly who you are instead of trying mistaking you as someone or something else.

We’ve all seen signs before, right? You know, the epic fails to ones full of wit. What does that tell you about that person, that business, or their beliefs? Is it a good thing or is it negative?

At the end of the day, copy is often the first things people see. What you do with yours is ultimately up to you.

Still struggling to figure out how to grow and keep your tribe? Then I got you covered.

Starting from August 25th through the 29th, I’ll be holding the Grow Your Tribe Challenge! If you’ve been wanting to learn how to create great lead magnets, grow your following your way, and inspire your customers to come back again and again, this challenge is for you.

What are you waiting for? Let’s build your tribe together.

RSVP today by clicking here.

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